URL Parameters Overview
URL parameters
The URL parameters used by PayPro Global are the following:
Parameter | Type | Description |
products[i][id] | integer | Product ID of the product you want to sell. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][qty] | integer | Product quantity of the product you want to sell. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][agreement-id] | integer | Affiliate agreement ID of the product you want to sell. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][data] | string | Dynamic encrypted data of the product you want to sell. Encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][name] | string | Dynamic product name. Non-encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][description] | string | Dynamic product description. Non-encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][discountpercentage] | decimal | Dynamic percentage discount for the product. Non-encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][price][CURRENCY_CODE][amount] | decimal number | Dynamic product price in the selected currency [CURRENCY_CODE]. Non-encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. You can find a list of available currency codes here. |
products[i][recurringprice][CURRENCY_CODE][amount] | decimal number | Dynamic product recurring price in the selected currency [CURRENCY_CODE]. Non-encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. You can find a list of available currency codes here. |
products[i][price][CURRENCY_CODE][sku] | string | Predefined dynamic product SKU. Non-encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][hash] | string | Hash protection for the product. Non-encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][LinkExpiration] | date (UTC, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss) | Predefined date and time when URL becomes invalid. Non-encrypted dynamic settings should be activated in the product settings. [i] stands for position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][allow-recurring-charges] | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. If true, the subscription renewal type is set to automatic, otherwise - manual. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][skip-trial-period] | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. If true, it allows a user to skip the trial period and pay instantly. It can be used if the checkboxes Allow user to skip trial period and pay instantly or Allow user to skip trial period and pay instantly + Skip trial period by default are ticked in the subscription settings. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][download-warranty] | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. If true, the download warranty is added to the cart. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][media-backup] | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. If true, the backup media is added to the cart. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][option-groups][OPTION_GROUP_ID] | integer | Product option group ID for groups where only one group item ID can be chosen. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
products[i][option-groups][OPTION_GROUP_ID][] | integer | Product option group ID for groups where multiple group item IDs can be chosen. It applies to a selection option group where multiple group item IDs can be chosen. [i] stands for the position of the product in the cart. |
custom-fields[CUSTOM_FIELD_ID][] | integer | Custom field ID specified in Page templates -> 3.Design -> option I want to add custom fields. |
x-<customFieldName> | string | Any custom value that needs to be passed to the checkout page and received back via webhook (e.g. &x-userid=123). |
page-template | integer | Checkout page template ID. |
all-payment-methods | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. If true, all available payment methods are displayed on the checkout page. |
enable-auto-renewal | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. If true, the subscription renewal type is set to automatic. |
coupon-code-to-add | string | Apply a coupon code. |
use-test-mode | boolean | The value is true. It enables a test mode for the order. Test mode works only with the parameter secret-key if it is specified in the PayPro Global account. |
secret-key | string | A special key for the vendor account. It can be found in your PayPro Global account -> Store settings -> General settings -> Integration tab. |
display-quote | boolean | The value is true. It shows the Get Quote button on the checkout page. |
quote-mode | string | The value is editable. It allows the customer to make the changes to the quote that was generated earlier. |
payment-method | integer | Preselected payment method ID for the order. You can find the list of available payment method IDs here. |
currency | string | Preselected currency code for the order. You can find the list of available currency codes here. |
language | string | Preselected language code for the order. You can find the list of available language codes here. |
billing-first-name | string | Predefined first name for the order. |
billing-last-name | string | Predefined last name for the order. |
billing-email | string | Predefined email address for the order. |
billing-contact-phone | string | Predefined phone number for the order. |
billing-country | string | Preselected country code for the order. You can find the list of available country codes here. |
billing-state | string | Preselected state code for the order. Available only for the countries with states. You can find the list of available state codes here. |
billing-city | string | Predefined city for the order. |
billing-zip | string | Predefined zip code for the order. |
billing-address | string | Predefined billing address for the order. |
street-number | string | Predefined street number for the order. It is required only for the orders from Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru. |
use-company-purchase | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. If true, it shows the additional fields for entering the company name and company tax ID (optional) for the order. |
billing-company-name | string | Predefined company name for the order. The parameter use-company-purchase should be true. |
billing-tax-number | string | Predefined tax number for the order. The parameter use-company-purchase should be true. |
use-license-info | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. If true, it shows the additional fields for entering the licensee’s info for the order. |
license-name | string | Predefined licensee’s name for the order. The parameter use-license-info should be true. |
license-email | string | Predefined licensee’s email for the order. The parameter use-license-info should be true. |
paypal-email | string | Predefined PayPal email for the order. PayPal as a payment method should be preselected via parameter payment-method. |
show-popular-methods-only | boolean | Allowed values are true or false. By default display only top 3 (2 for subscription products) most popular payment methods available for the current product in the selected billing country (customer can still see a full list of options by clicking See all payment methods). |
ipn-domain | string | Custom IPN domain for the order. Full URL should be provided in Control panel -> Store settings -> General settings -> Integration tab, IPN URLs. The value of ipn-domain is a filter for the list of IPN URLs. |
URL Examples
One product with the product ID equals 1:
One product with the product ID equals 1 and the page template ID equals 1
One product with the product ID equals 1 and the language is English:
One product with the product ID equals 1 and the currency is USD:
One product with the product ID equals 1 and the country is United States:
One product with the product ID equals 1, the country is United States and the state is Alaska:
One product with the product ID equals 1 and the payment method is credit card:
One product with the product ID equals 1 and the test mode is enabled:
If you have a secret key, then you need use the link below to make test orders.
One product with the product ID equals 1, the test mode is enabled:
List of Payment Methods With IDs
Payment method | ID |
CreditCard | 1 |
PayPal | 14 |
Wire Transfer | 15 |
iDEAL | 16 |
Giropay | 17 |
Purchase Order | 30 |
WebMoney | 31 |
Boleto Bancario | 33 |
Alipay | 34 |
Real-time Bank Transfer | 37 |
Sofort | 45 |
Przelewy24 | 49 |
MercadoPago | 61 |
UnionPay | 86 |
95 | |
ApplePay | 96 |
GooglePay | 97 |
Pix | 101 |
Mach Pay | 102 |
OXXO | 103 |
PagoEfectivo | 104 |
UPI | 106 |
List of Countries With Codes
Country | Code |
Afghanistan | AF |
Aland islands | AX |
Albania | AL |
Algeria | DZ |
American Samoa | AS |
Andorra | AD |
Angola | AO |
Anguilla | AI |
Antarctica | AQ |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG |
Argentina | AR |
Armenia | AM |
Aruba | AW |
Ascension Island | AC |
Australia | AU |
Austria | AT |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Bahamas | BS |
Bahrain | BH |
Bangladesh | BD |
Barbados | BB |
Belarus | BY |
Belgium | BE |
Belize | BZ |
Benin | BJ |
Bermuda | BM |
Bhutan | BT |
Bolivia | BO |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius And Saba | BQ |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA |
Botswana | BW |
Bouvet Island | BV |
Brazil | BR |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO |
Brunei Darussalam | BN |
Bulgaria | BG |
Burkina Faso | BF |
Burundi | BI |
Cambodia | KH |
Cameroon | CM |
Canada | CA |
Canary Islands | IC |
Cape Verde | CV |
Cayman Islands | KY |
Central African Republic | CF |
Ceuta and Melilla | EA |
Chad | TD |
Chile | CL |
China | CN |
Christmas Island | CX |
Clipperton Island | CP |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CC |
Colombia | CO |
Comoros | KM |
Congo | CG |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the | CD |
Cook Islands | CK |
Costa Rica | CR |
Cote D’ivoire | CI |
Croatia | HR |
Cuba | CU |
Curacao | CW |
Cyprus | CY |
Czech Republic | CZ |
Denmark | DK |
Diego Garcia | DG |
Djibouti | DJ |
Dominica | DM |
Dominican Republic | DO |
Ecuador | EC |
Egypt | EG |
El Salvador | SV |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ |
Eritrea | ER |
Estonia | EE |
Ethiopia | ET |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FK |
Faroe Islands | FO |
Fiji | FJ |
Finland | FI |
France | FR |
French Guiana | GF |
French Polynesia | PF |
French Southern Territories | TF |
Gabon | GA |
Gambia | GM |
Georgia | GE |
Germany | DE |
Ghana | GH |
Gibraltar | GI |
Greece | GR |
Greenland | GL |
Grenada | GD |
Guadeloupe | GP |
Guam | GU |
Guatemala | GT |
Guernsey | GG |
Guinea | GN |
Guinea-Bissau | GW |
Guyana | GY |
Haiti | HT |
Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands | HM |
Holy See | VA |
Honduras | HN |
Hong Kong | HK |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IS |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | IR |
Iraq | IQ |
Ireland | IE |
Isle of Man | IM |
Israel | IL |
Italy | IT |
Jamaica | JM |
Japan | JP |
Jersey | JE |
Jordan | JO |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Kenya | KE |
Kiribati | KI |
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of | KP |
Korea, Republic of | KR |
Kosovo | XK |
Kuwait | KW |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Lao People’s Democratic Republic | LA |
Latvia | LV |
Lebanon | LB |
Lesotho | LS |
Liberia | LR |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | LY |
Liechtenstein | LI |
Lithuania | LT |
Luxembourg | LU |
Macau | MO |
Macedonia, Republic of | MK |
Madagascar | MG |
Malawi | MW |
Malaysia | MY |
Maldives | MV |
Mali | ML |
Malta | MT |
Marshall Islands | MH |
Martinique | MQ |
Mauritania | MR |
Mauritius | MU |
Mayotte | YT |
Mexico | MX |
Micronesia, Federated States of | FM |
Moldova, Republic of | MD |
Monaco | MC |
Mongolia | MN |
Montenegro | ME |
Montserrat | MS |
Morocco | MA |
Mozambique | MZ |
Myanmar | MM |
Namibia | NA |
Nauru | NR |
Nepal | NP |
Netherlands | NL |
Netherlands Antilles | AN |
New Caledonia | NC |
New Zealand | NZ |
Nicaragua | NI |
Niger | NE |
Nigeria | NG |
Niue | NU |
Norfolk Island | NF |
Northern Mariana Islands | MP |
Norway | NO |
Oman | OM |
Outlying Oceania | QO |
Pakistan | PK |
Palau | PW |
Palestinian Territory | PS |
Panama | PA |
Papua New Guinea | PG |
Paraguay | PY |
Peru | PE |
Philippines | PH |
Pitcairn | PN |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | PT |
Puerto Rico | PR |
Qatar | QA |
Reunion | RE |
Romania | RO |
Russian Federation | RU |
Rwanda | RW |
Saint Barthelemy | BL |
Saint Helena | SH |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN |
Saint Lucia | LC |
Saint Martin | MF |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | PM |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC |
Samoa | WS |
San Marino | SM |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST |
Saudi Arabia | SA |
Senegal | SN |
Serbia | RS |
Seychelles | SC |
Sierra Leone | SL |
Singapore | SG |
Sint Maarten | SX |
Slovak Republic | SK |
Slovenia | SI |
Solomon Islands | SB |
Somalia | SO |
South Africa | ZA |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | GS |
South Sudan | SS |
Spain | ES |
Sri Lanka | LK |
Sudan | SD |
Suriname | SR |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJ |
Swaziland | SZ |
Sweden | SE |
Switzerland | CH |
Syrian Arab Republic | SY |
Taiwan | TW |
Tajikistan | TJ |
Tanzania, United Republic of | TZ |
Thailand | TH |
Timor-Leste | TL |
Togo | TG |
Tokelau | TK |
Tonga | TO |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT |
Tristan da Cunha | TA |
Tunisia | TN |
Turkey | TR |
Turkmenistan | TM |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC |
Tuvalu | TV |
Uganda | UG |
Ukraine | UA |
United Arab Emirates | AE |
United Kingdom | GB |
United States | US |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM |
Uruguay | UY |
Uzbekistan | UZ |
Vanuatu | VU |
Venezuela | VE |
Vietnam | VN |
Virgin Islands, British | VG |
Virgin Islands, U.S. | VI |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WF |
Western Sahara | EH |
Yemen | YE |
Zambia | ZM |
Zimbabwe | ZW |
List of States With Codes
Country | State | Code |
Brazil | Acre | BR-AC |
Brazil | Alagoas | BR-AL |
Brazil | Amazonas | BR-AM |
Brazil | Amapá | BR-AP |
Brazil | Bahia | BR-BA |
Brazil | Ceará | BR-CE |
Brazil | Distrito Federal | BR-DF |
Brazil | Espirito Santo | BR-ES |
Brazil | Goiás | BR-GO |
Brazil | Maranhão | BR-MA |
Brazil | Minas Gerais | BR-MG |
Brazil | Mato Grosso do Sul | BR-MS |
Brazil | Mato Grosso | BR-MT |
Brazil | Pará | BR-PA |
Brazil | Paraíba | BR-PB |
Brazil | Pernambuco | BR-PE |
Brazil | Piauí | BR-PI |
Brazil | Paraná | BR-PR |
Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | BR-RJ |
Brazil | Rio Grande do Norte | BR-RN |
Brazil | Rondônia | BR-RO |
Brazil | Roraima | BR-RR |
Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | BR-RS |
Brazil | Santa Catarina | BR-SC |
Brazil | Sergipe | BR-SE |
Brazil | São Paulo | BR-SP |
Brazil | Tocantins | BR-TO |
Canada | Alberta | CA-AB |
Canada | British Columbia | CA-BC |
Canada | Manitoba | CA-MB |
Canada | New Brunswick | CA-NB |
Canada | Newfoundland and Labrador | CA-NL |
Canada | Nova Scotia | CA-NS |
Canada | Northwest Territories | CA-NT |
Canada | Nunavut | CA-NU |
Canada | Ontario | CA-ON |
Canada | Prince Edward Island | CA-PE |
Canada | Quebec | CA-QC |
Canada | Saskatchewan | CA-SK |
Canada | Yukon | CA-YT |
Chile | Aisén del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo | CL-AI |
Chile | Antofagasta | CL-AN |
Chile | Arica y Parinacota | CL-AP |
Chile | La Araucanía | CL-AR |
Chile | Atacama | CL-AT |
Chile | Biobío | CL-BI |
Chile | Coquimbo | CL-CO |
Chile | Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins | CL-LI |
Chile | Los Lagos | CL-LL |
Chile | Los Ríos | CL-LR |
Chile | Magallanes | CL-MA |
Chile | Maule | CL-ML |
Chile | Ñuble | CL-NB |
Chile | Región Metropolitana de Santiago | CL-RM |
Chile | Tarapacá | CL-TA |
Chile | Valparaíso | CL-VS |
Mexico | Aguascalientes | MX-AGU |
Mexico | Baja California | MX-BCN |
Mexico | Baja California Sur | MX-BCS |
Mexico | Campeche | MX-CAM |
Mexico | Chihuahua | MX-CHH |
Mexico | Chiapas | MX-CHP |
Mexico | Ciudad de México | MX-CMX |
Mexico | Coahuila de Zaragoza | MX-COA |
Mexico | Colima | MX-COL |
Mexico | Durango | MX-DUR |
Mexico | Guerrero | MX-GRO |
Mexico | Guanajuato | MX-GUA |
Mexico | Hidalgo | MX-HID |
Mexico | Jalisco | MX-JAL |
Mexico | México | MX-MEX |
Mexico | Michoacán de Ocampo | MX-MIC |
Mexico | Morelos | MX-MOR |
Mexico | Nayarit | MX-NAY |
Mexico | Nuevo León | MX-NLE |
Mexico | Oaxaca | MX-OAX |
Mexico | Puebla | MX-PUE |
Mexico | Querétaro | MX-QUE |
Mexico | Quintana Roo | MX-ROO |
Mexico | Sinaloa | MX-SIN |
Mexico | San Luis Potosí | MX-SLP |
Mexico | Sonora | MX-SON |
Mexico | Tabasco | MX-TAB |
Mexico | Tamaulipas | MX-TAM |
Mexico | Tlaxcala | MX-TLA |
Mexico | Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave | MX-VER |
Mexico | Yucatán | MX-YUC |
Mexico | Zacatecas | MX-ZAC |
Peru | Amazonas | PE-AM |
Peru | Ancash | PE-AN |
Peru | Apurímac | PE-AP |
Peru | Arequipa | PE-AR |
Peru | Ayacucho | PE-AY |
Peru | Cajamarca | PE-CJ |
Peru | Callao | PE-CL |
Peru | Cusco | PE-CS |
Peru | Huánuco | PE-HC |
Peru | Huancavelica | PE-HV |
Peru | Ica | PE-IC |
Peru | Junín | PE-JU |
Peru | Lambayeque | PE-LB |
Peru | La Libertad | PE-LL |
Peru | Loreto | PE-LO |
Peru | Lima [Province] | PE-LP |
Peru | Lima | PE-LR |
Peru | Madre de Dios | PE-MD |
Peru | Moquegua | PE-MQ |
Peru | Pasco | PE-PA |
Peru | Piura | PE-PI |
Peru | Puno | PE-PU |
Peru | San Martín | PE-SM |
Peru | Tacna | PE-TA |
Peru | Tumbes | PE-TU |
Peru | Ucayali | PE-UC |
Turkey | Adana | TR-01 |
Turkey | Adiyaman | TR-02 |
Turkey | Afyonkarahisar | TR-03 |
Turkey | Agri | TR-04 |
Turkey | Amasya | TR-05 |
Turkey | Ankara | TR-06 |
Turkey | Antalya | TR-07 |
Turkey | Artvin | TR-08 |
Turkey | Aydin | TR-09 |
Turkey | Balikesir | TR-10 |
Turkey | Bilecik | TR-11 |
Turkey | Bingöl | TR-12 |
Turkey | Bitlis | TR-13 |
Turkey | Bolu | TR-14 |
Turkey | Burdur | TR-15 |
Turkey | Bursa | TR-16 |
Turkey | Çanakkale | TR-17 |
Turkey | Çankiri | TR-18 |
Turkey | Çorum | TR-19 |
Turkey | Denizli | TR-20 |
Turkey | Diyarbakir | TR-21 |
Turkey | Edirne | TR-22 |
Turkey | Elazig | TR-23 |
Turkey | Erzincan | TR-24 |
Turkey | Erzurum | TR-25 |
Turkey | Eskisehir | TR-26 |
Turkey | Gaziantep | TR-27 |
Turkey | Giresun | TR-28 |
Turkey | Gümüshane | TR-29 |
Turkey | Hakkâri | TR-30 |
Turkey | Hatay | TR-31 |
Turkey | Isparta | TR-32 |
Turkey | Mersin | TR-33 |
Turkey | Istanbul | TR-34 |
Turkey | Izmir | TR-35 |
Turkey | Kars | TR-36 |
Turkey | Kastamonu | TR-37 |
Turkey | Kayseri | TR-38 |
Turkey | Kirklareli | TR-39 |
Turkey | Kirsehir | TR-40 |
Turkey | Kocaeli | TR-41 |
Turkey | Konya | TR-42 |
Turkey | Kütahya | TR-43 |
Turkey | Malatya | TR-44 |
Turkey | Manisa | TR-45 |
Turkey | Kahramanmaras | TR-46 |
Turkey | Mardin | TR-47 |
Turkey | Mugla | TR-48 |
Turkey | Mus | TR-49 |
Turkey | Nevsehir | TR-50 |
Turkey | Nigde | TR-51 |
Turkey | Ordu | TR-52 |
Turkey | Rize | TR-53 |
Turkey | Sakarya | TR-54 |
Turkey | Samsun | TR-55 |
Turkey | Siirt | TR-56 |
Turkey | Sinop | TR-57 |
Turkey | Sivas | TR-58 |
Turkey | Tekirdag | TR-59 |
Turkey | Tokat | TR-60 |
Turkey | Trabzon | TR-61 |
Turkey | Tunceli | TR-62 |
Turkey | Sanliurfa | TR-63 |
Turkey | Usak | TR-64 |
Turkey | Van | TR-65 |
Turkey | Yozgat | TR-66 |
Turkey | Zonguldak | TR-67 |
Turkey | Aksaray | TR-68 |
Turkey | Bayburt | TR-69 |
Turkey | Karaman | TR-70 |
Turkey | Kirikkale | TR-71 |
Turkey | Batman | TR-72 |
Turkey | Sirnak | TR-73 |
Turkey | Bartin | TR-74 |
Turkey | Ardahan | TR-75 |
Turkey | Igdir | TR-76 |
Turkey | Yalova | TR-77 |
Turkey | Karabük | TR-78 |
Turkey | Kilis | TR-79 |
Turkey | Osmaniye | TR-80 |
Turkey | Düzce | TR-81 |
United Arab Emirates | Ajman | AE-AJ |
United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi | AE-AZ |
United Arab Emirates | Dubai | AE-DU |
United Arab Emirates | Fujairah | AE-FU |
United Arab Emirates | Ras Al Khaimah | AE-RK |
United Arab Emirates | Sharjah | AE-SH |
United Arab Emirates | Umm Al Quwain | AE-UQ |
United States | Armed Forces (the) Americas | US-AA |
United States | Armed Forces Europe | US-AE |
United States | Alaska | US-AK |
United States | Alabama | US-AL |
United States | Armed Forces Pacific | US-AP |
United States | Arkansas | US-AR |
United States | Arizona | US-AZ |
United States | California | US-CA |
United States | Colorado | US-CO |
United States | Connecticut | US-CT |
United States | District of Columbia | US-DC |
United States | Delaware | US-DE |
United States | Florida | US-FL |
United States | Georgia | US-GA |
United States | Hawaii | US-HI |
United States | Iowa | US-IA |
United States | Idaho | US-ID |
United States | Illinois | US-IL |
United States | Indiana | US-IN |
United States | Kansas | US-KS |
United States | Kentucky | US-KY |
United States | Louisiana | US-LA |
United States | Massachusetts | US-MA |
United States | Maryland | US-MD |
United States | Maine | US-ME |
United States | Michigan | US-MI |
United States | Minnesota | US-MN |
United States | Missouri | US-MO |
United States | Mississippi | US-MS |
United States | Montana | US-MT |
United States | North Carolina | US-NC |
United States | North Dakota | US-ND |
United States | Nebraska | US-NE |
United States | New Hampshire | US-NH |
United States | New Jersey | US-NJ |
United States | New Mexico | US-NM |
United States | Nevada | US-NV |
United States | New York | US-NY |
United States | Ohio | US-OH |
United States | Oklahoma | US-OK |
United States | Oregon | US-OR |
United States | Pennsylvania | US-PA |
United States | Rhode Island | US-RI |
United States | South Carolina | US-SC |
United States | South Dakota | US-SD |
United States | Tennessee | US-TN |
United States | Texas | US-TX |
United States | Utah | US-UT |
United States | Virginia | US-VA |
United States | Vermont | US-VT |
United States | Washington | US-WA |
United States | Wisconsin | US-WI |
United States | West Virginia | US-WV |
United States | Wyoming | US-WY |
List of Currencies With Codes
Name | Code |
Afghanistan Afghani | AFN |
Algerian Dinar | DZD |
Arab Emirates Dirham | AED |
Argentine Peso | ARS |
Armenian Dram | AMD |
Australian Dollar | AUD |
Azerbaijan Manat | AZN |
Bahamian Dollar | BSD |
Bahraini Dinar | BHD |
Bangladeshi Taka | BDT |
Barbados Dollar | BBD |
Belarusian Rubler | BYN |
Belize Dollar | BZD |
Bermudian Dollar | BMD |
Boliviano | BOB |
Botswana Pula | BWP |
Brazilian Real | BRL |
British Pound | GBP |
Brunei Dollar | BND |
Bulgarian Lev | BGN |
Canadian Dollar | CAD |
Cape Verde Escudo | CVE |
Cayman Islands Dollar | KYD |
Chilean Peso | CLP |
Colombian Peso | COP |
Costa Rican Colon | CRC |
Croatian Kuna | HRK |
Czech Koruna | CZK |
Danish Krone | DKK |
Djibouti Franc | DJF |
Dominican Peso | DOP |
East Caribbean Dollar | XCD |
Egyptian Pound | EGP |
Euro | EUR |
Fiji Dollar | FJD |
Georgian Lari | GEL |
Guatemalan Quetzal | GTQ |
Honduran Lempira | HNL |
Hong Kong Dollar | HKD |
Hungarian Forint | HUF |
Iceland Krona | ISK |
Indian Rupee | INR |
Indonesian Rupiah | IDR |
Israeli New Shekel | ILS |
Jordanian Dinar | JOD |
Kampuchean Riel | KHR |
Kazakhstan Tenge | KZT |
Kenyan Shilling | KES |
Konvertibilna Marka | BAM |
Korean Won | KRW |
Kuwaiti Dinar | KWD |
Kyrgyzstani Som | KGS |
Lao Kip | LAK |
Lebanese Pound | LBP |
Macau Pataca | MOP |
Macedonia Denar | MKD |
Malaysian Ringgit | MYR |
Maldive Rufiyaa | MVR |
Mexican Nuevo Peso | MXN |
Moldovan Leu | MDL |
Mongolian Tugrik | MNT |
Moroccan Dirham | MAD |
Namibian Dollar | NAD |
New Turkish Lira | TRY |
New Zealand Dollar | NZD |
Nigerian Naira | NGN |
Norwegian Krone | NOK |
Omani Rial | OMR |
Pakistan Rupee | PKR |
Panamanian Balboa | PAB |
Papua New Guinea Kina | PGK |
Paraguay Guarani | PYG |
Peruvian Nuevo Sol | PEN |
Philippine Peso | PHP |
Polish Zloty | PLN |
Qatari Rial | QAR |
Romanian Leu | RON |
Russian Ruble | RUB |
Saudi Riyal | SAR |
Serbian Dinar | RSD |
Singapore Dollar | SGD |
South African Rand | ZAR |
Sri Lanka Rupee | LKR |
Swedish Krona | SEK |
Swiss Franc | CHF |
Taiwan Dollar | TWD |
Tanzanian Shilling | TZS |
Thai Baht | THB |
Turkmenistani Manat | TMT |
Trinidad and Tobago Dollar | TTD |
Tunisian Dollar | TND |
Tajikistani Somoni | TJS |
Ukrainian Hryvnia | UAH |
United States Dollar | USD |
Uruguayan Peso | UYU |
Uzbekistan Sum | UZS |
Yemeni Rial | YER |
人民币 (Yuan Renminbi) | CNY |
日本円 (Japanese Yen) | JPY |
List of Languages With Codes
Language | Code |
Czech | CS |
Chinese Simple | ZH-CHS |
Chinese Traditional | ZH-CHT |
Danish | DA |
Dutch | NL |
English | EN |
Finnish | FI |
French | FR |
German | DE |
Greek | EL |
Hindi | HI |
Hungarian | HU |
Italian | IT |
Japanese | JA |
Korean | KO |
Norwegian | NO |
Polish | PL |
Portuguese | PT |
Romanian | RO |
Russian | RU |
Spanish | ES |
Slovak | SK |
Slovenian | SL |
Swedish | SV |
Turkish | TR |
Ukrainian | UK |