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Order Flow Emails Overview

PayPro Global manages all post purchase-related notifications for you.

Customer Сonfirmation Email

After each order, we send a purchase confirmation email which includes product information (delivery, licensing if applicable), support contact details and information about the customer portal:

IdTemplate nameEmail type
1Default PPG confirmation emailCustomer confirmation email

In addition, as a Merchant of Record we issue an invoice which is generic for all vendor accounts.


Customer Delayed Email

When you create a new email template by clicking on Add email template, you can choose Customer delayed email from the drop-down list of email types. This type of email is designed to create your custom email template which could be emailed to the customer after a specific amount of days from the day of purchase. You can define the number of days in the Send email after field.

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There is no default text for this template because there're different use cases that it could cover. For example, you can use this to remind the purchaser that the subscription period is ending, or you can send a follow-up email to receive feedback about the purchaser's first experience with the product, or you can offer complementary products such as training materials or add-ons.

  • This email type is not displayed in the general list of email templates by default, but only after you add it.

  • This email type will not be sent for recurring orders.

License to Another Person Confirmation

If the customer ticks on the checkout page the checkbox License to another person

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and provided the licensee name & email, we will send:

IdTemplate nameEmail type
2301Default PPG license to another person confirmationLicense to another person confirmation

In this case, the product will be delivered to both emails, the purchaser's and the licensee's.